Two Trials to Look Forward To
The American espionage trial of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al, for being Saudi agents, which trial should finally settle the question of how much money has to change hands before you're no longer considered an agent, an agent of influence or a saboteur.
And the International Military Tribunal dealing with the Oil Bubble of 2006-8, that greatest of all economic attacks on the world in history, which stole three trillion dollars and wrecked the world economy, which Tribunal should show us three American Presidents on trial, Clinton, who signed the legislation throwing down the post-Great-Depression protections against such bubble-making; Bush, who benignly oversaw bubble after bubble, culminating in the Oil Bubble, which imploded many such lesser bubbles and other Ponzi schemes before imploding the world and US economies and thus finally itself; and Obama, who is covering up for the Oil Bubble Gang ("I don't want to point fingers, I want to look forward!"), and appointed many of them to high office; as well as Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, and many, many of "the best and brightest" on Wall Street and in London's City, as well as of course the direct principals in the engineering and running of the Oil Bubble itself, and, above all, those who played in and "profited" from it.
(See also my
Why the Oil Bubble of 2006-8 Isn't Being Investigated or Prosecuted
The Oil Bubble Cover-Up Continues
Beyond Plutocracy and Its Two-Plutocratic-Party System
Keywords: corruption, economic warfare, espionage, justice, plutocracy, subversion
And the International Military Tribunal dealing with the Oil Bubble of 2006-8, that greatest of all economic attacks on the world in history, which stole three trillion dollars and wrecked the world economy, which Tribunal should show us three American Presidents on trial, Clinton, who signed the legislation throwing down the post-Great-Depression protections against such bubble-making; Bush, who benignly oversaw bubble after bubble, culminating in the Oil Bubble, which imploded many such lesser bubbles and other Ponzi schemes before imploding the world and US economies and thus finally itself; and Obama, who is covering up for the Oil Bubble Gang ("I don't want to point fingers, I want to look forward!"), and appointed many of them to high office; as well as Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, and many, many of "the best and brightest" on Wall Street and in London's City, as well as of course the direct principals in the engineering and running of the Oil Bubble itself, and, above all, those who played in and "profited" from it.
(See also my
Why the Oil Bubble of 2006-8 Isn't Being Investigated or Prosecuted
The Oil Bubble Cover-Up Continues
Beyond Plutocracy and Its Two-Plutocratic-Party System
Keywords: corruption, economic warfare, espionage, justice, plutocracy, subversion