Friday, April 12, 2013

White House Petition:
Investigate and Prosecute the Oil Bubble of 2006-8

The Oil Bubble of 2006-8 quadrupled the price of oil in less than two years and deliberately destroyed the economy of the world and the United States, in an act of war against the world, a war-crime against the world, and a crime against all humanity, from which the world and the United States are still reeling, and those Americans who engineered it, ran it, profited from it, and have helped cover it up since must be prosecuted by Federal Government, for rebellion, to the fullest extent of the law, even unto death and revocation of corporate charter and total confiscation of assets of all principal conspirators including organizations in the worst cases, and we do hereby petition the President of the United States to do so.


[Expired after thirty days with only three (3) votes.]

Keywords: commodity speculation, commodity exchanges, corruption, crimes against humanity, economic warfare, Oil Bubble of 2006-8, International Military Tribunal, IMTOB, London City Labour, London City Conservatives, London City Liberal Democrats, plutocracy, two-plutocratic-party system, Wall Street Democrats, Wall Street Libertarians, Wall Street Republicans, war-crimes